East Orange Public Library

Display Policy

East Orange Public Library provides displays and exhibits in the library to highlight the library’s collection and inform the public.

Selection of Displays

Library displays are planned, organized, and/or implemented by library staff. Library staff use the following criteria in making decisions about display topics, materials, and accompanying resources:

  • Community needs and interest
  • Availability of display space
  • Historical or educational significance
  • Connection to other community or national programs, exhibitions, or events
  • Relation to library collections, resources, exhibits, and programs

In addition, the Library draws upon other community resources in developing displays and exhibits and may collaborate with other community agencies, organizations, educational institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored displays and exhibits.

The Library will strive to include a wide spectrum of opinions and viewpoints in Library-initiated displays and exhibits, as well as offer displays and exhibits that appeal to a range of ages, interests, and information needs. Library-initiated displays and exhibits should not exclude topics, books, media, and other resources solely because they may be considered controversial. Acceptance of a display or exhibit topic by the Library does not constitute an endorsement by East Orange Public Library or the City of East Orange of the content of the display or exhibit, or of the views expressed in materials on display.


Library staff accept suggestions for display topics, but topics and materials selection is at the discretion of the library staff, and the collection development committee and Library Administration in conjunction with the Library Board of Trustees.

Bulletin Boards

Within the library proper, only library-related signs, posters, or notices will be posted. In the lobby, a bulletin board is provided for posting activities and events of interest to the community sponsored by non-profit community groups. The bulletin board is not intended as a public forum or for items of a personal or commercial nature. All notices will require a date to determine when they should be removed. No material will be posted for more than 30 days. The library will post materials appropriate to the bulletin board’s purpose on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individuals or groups requesting the posting. Permitting the posting of any notices shall not be considered an endorsement by the East Orange Public Library or the City of East Orange of the activities being promoted or the group organizing them.

Adopted by Library Administration in conjunction with Library Board of Trustee consent on August 16, 2022 and approved on September 08, 2022.