Study Rooms
The two small Study Rooms located in the Reader Services area on the 2nd floor can be reserved for a maximum of two hours per day, up to seven days in advance. Please check in the reservation before the starting time. If the reserver has not arrived within the first 15 minutes of the reservation, the room will become available to other patrons.
- Maximum occupancy may not exceed four persons.
- Patrons reserving the room must be 18 or older.
- Please cancel your reservation if you are unable to make it.
- Please do not use a different email address to book the Rooms more than once per day.
- Rooms are not sound-proof and please be considerate of your neighbors.
- No signs may be posted.
- Rooms must be vacated on time at the end of your booking time.
- If there are no reservations after your allotted time period, you may continue to use the room until another patron reserves it.
- Rooms must be vacated 15 minutes before the library’s closing time.
The Library appreciates your cooperation for keep the Study Rooms clean for the next patron!