Thank you for your donation

Why Support the Library?

Hundreds of people turn to the library every day seeking a book, a job, free Internet access, a place to gather with friends, a connection with the community. While the Library receives much of its funding from public sources, we’re dependent on support from generous people like you.

Your contribution helps us provide:

  • A collection of more than 200,000 items including books, movies, and more,
  • Free Internet access,
  • Educational programming for kids, teens, and adults,
  • Professional librarians qualified to research any question,
  • Homework help and reference assistance,
  • Resources for job seekers,
    … and much more!

Donate Books and Materials

The Library appreciates the generosity of its donors to expand its collections. If you have historically significant manuscripts, photographs, books, archival materials, or other items that you believe would enhance the Library’s collections, please contact us at 973-266-7049.

Join the Friends of the Library

We are looking for active community members and leaders to get involved and “Friend” the Library — an organization dedicated to supporting our community’s greatest assets-your public library! There are a variety of ways you can become a Friend and we appreciate them all.